Welcome to the Rock Ridge Community Education home page. This will be your one stop shop for all things Community Ed! Registration Works best when you use either a Desktop, Laptop or a Tablet. If you are using a phone, especially an Iphone you may encounter some error messages or inabilities to register. 
Craft /Art Classes
Rock Ridge Craft & Art Classes are designed for our students K-6 to provide a fun, educational environment for...
Adults with Disabilities
Rock Ridge Community Education is committed to offering quality Aquatics programs and classes to the families in and...
Community Ed Youth Sports
Continuing Education/Enrichment
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a community education program of the Rock Ridge Public Schools. We...
Event Rental
Rock Ridge Ninja Warrior Program
 Wolverine Care Registration
Before and after School Child Care at Laurentian and Parkview Schools. 

You will receive an email with the details of this confirmation.

You will also get an email from the credit card processor, your credit card will only be charged once.

If you do not receive an email confirmation within 24 hours, please contact us.

Chad Hazelton

Community Ed Director

Rock Ridge School District

Phone: (218) 410-5824

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